Saturday, February 14, 2009

My class

We are now two weeks into the new school year and I'm just thinking of starting a blog with my French Year 11/12 class (that will be on  the School's web site since the blog feature has now been added to the School's 'my classes'. 
While I'm still getting to know my new, Year 9 students, and haven't learnt their names yet, I keep thinkig of my last year's  7th formers who left school in December. I really have fond memories of them and will never forget them as they were the first class who I took over when started teaching at Mount Albert Grammar. They were just a gorgeous bunch of kids who grew into young  adults in those couple of years. I hope they are all going to University, if not this year then next year - some of them, I already know  have been accepted to Uni - Congratulations! - and some have even chosen to study French! Unfortunately , we didn't manage to go to Paris last year as we'd thought we would, but we spent some wonderful time planning the trip together. 
I have received their external results and I am proud of them!
Well done, guys! Even if some of you haven't achieved the marks you were aiming at, don't be discouraged. You have done extremely well, you have achieved a lot in only a couple of years, in much shorter time than many other students who you were competing with at the externals. I am sincerely proud of you and wish you all the very best in the coming years. I know you are prepared to work hard to achieve your goals. And I know you are the kind of people who 'see large' and who will travel the world. Again, well done!
I am posting a photo from our small classroom party/shared lunch on the last day of school (Nov 2008). Take care and keep in touch!  


  1. Dear Miss Mifka,
    Thank you so much for this year with you and our French class. I loved helping out and seeing my friends improving along the year. Being you "assistant" was fun! Good memories, a class where I felt at home partly because of the language but also thanks to all the people who were apart of it.
    I will definitely keep in touch.
    Thanks again
    Take care and good luck with your new classes!
